Percent Change in GDP by Year from 1980-2000

Source: World Bank

Percent Change of GDP from 2001-2018

Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis

We took the first year of each President’s term as a transition year as some of the economic performance would have been a result of the previous administration’s policies, and computed the net change in GDP growth from the end of the first year of their term to the end of their last full year in office, and the numbers are as follows:

1981-1988: Ronald Reagan (Republican)

Total Change: +1.7%

1989-1992: George H.W. Bush (Republican)

Total Change: -0.2%

1993-2000: Bill Clinton (Democrat)

Total Change: +1.3%

2001-2008: George W. Bush (Republican)

Total Change: -1.1%

2009-2016: Barack Obama (Democrat)

Total Change: +4.1%

2017-present (2018): Donald Trump (Republican)

Total Change: +0.7%

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