School Chapter Information

If you want to have a voice in the public forum conversations that are going to impact all our lives in the future, get involved! 

Start a TENC® club (“chapter”) at your high school. Get engaged and make a difference.

What are school chapters required to do?

a. At a minimum:

1.      Contribute at least one piece of content for the website per semester.  Pick a topic of interest to you, and follow the template to compile the information.

b. Go beyond:

1.      Recruit students to join the club and share the content on social media.

2.      Encourage friends from other schools to start TENC® chapters at their schools. Once two schools that you refer start chapters within a single school year, you will become a member of the TENC® Executive Committee, which will give you added privileges from the review and editing of content to formulating and executing TENC®’s growth strategy and plan to participating in media events, and more.

3.      Volunteer to take on TENC-wide responsibilities from managing our social channels to identifying media opportunities.

4.      Anything else you can think of!

What will you get out of it?

1.      The opportunity to be on the ground floor of a national youth movement.

2.      The personal satisfaction of being able to make a difference and seeing it happen.

3.      An understanding of issues that you might not have otherwise taken the time to research.

4.      The opportunity to meet and interview local, state, and national leaders and media personalities.

5.      Have a unique activity to put on your college admission application!

Want to learn more?

Send an email to with the following information:

  • Name

  • Email

  • Grade

  • School

  • Reason why you want to start a club at your school

  • Areas of particular interest (optional)

Or fill out the form below, and someone will get back to you before you know it!