Do you want to write for TENC but don’t know what to write about? Here are some topics to get you started!

You are welcome to write about any topic that you find interesting and for which official sources of data exist. The list below includes some suggested topics, along with a suggested data source, but please don’t be limited by these. If you would like to research and prepare a write up on one of the topics below or on a topic not on this list, please email TENC’s Editor to confirm that the topic is available and that no other school is currently working on it. Your school chapter President will have received the TENC Editor’s email address along with other relevant TENC information.


  1. Federal government spending (Real government spending – Bureau of Economic Analysis)

  2. Federal Deficit

  3. Military spending

  4. Poverty rates across races, education levels, etc

  5. Private sector investment (residential and non-residential)

  6. Uninsured population - percent and number, total and across races and income levels - Census Bureau

  7. Life expectancy across genders, races, regions, etc

  8. Unemployment across races, regions, education levels, etc

  9. Average income and average net worth across various demographics

  10. Incarceration rates and death by police rates across races and regions

  11. Impact of Tariffs – Manufacturing ISM Index – Institute of Supply Management

  12. Real Private Fixed Investment Growth – Bureau of Economic Analysis

  13. Federal Spending/Revenue gap – US Treasury Department

  14. Private Worker Average Hourly Earnings – Nominal vs. Inflation Adjusted – BLS

  15. Private Fixed Investment % of GDP - BEA