Frequently Asked Questions

Q.      Who will compile the information that will be posted?

A.      Content for the site will be compiled by various members; each school chapter will be responsible for compiling one new piece of content per semester.

Q.      Who will edit and review the information that has been compiled?

A.      The TENC® Leadership Team will assign members to edit and review the content that has been compiled before it is posted on the site. The members assigned to edit and review content may be from the Leadership Team or any other member who has volunteered to do so. All content will go through at least two edit/review steps before being posted to the website.

Q.      How does TENC® decide what content to create?

A.      The content that gets created is entirely a function of what TENC® clubs and members want to create. This creates a self-directing mechanism that produces content that members find most interesting. The Leadership Team maintains a running list of content topics that members who want to contribute can select from. In addition, any member can propose ideas or topics for the website, regardless of whether they create the actual content themselves or someone else does it.

Q.      Will TENC® have an opinion page?

A.      No. TENC®’s purpose is to present facts as they are and leave it to the reader to interpret, infer, and conclude, and it is entirely possible that different readers may reach different conclusions from the same set of data.

Q.      Will content be updated, and if so, how?

A.      The TENC® Leadership Team will assign this task to a dedicated group of members who will be responsible for identifying content that needs updating; updates may be done either by this group or by the original content creators.

Q.      How will TENC® get media passes to events?

A.      TENC® is a media organization so it can apply for media passes to cover major local, state, and national events. In the past, our members have covered events such as the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, various presidential debates during the 2016 election, and several Politicon conventions.

Q.      How will TENC® choose which members get to cover these events?

A.      The decision will be made based on the member's location, expressed interest, and current position within TENC®. However, if a local chapter finds a particular event that they would like to cover and they do the work to get media passes, they will have first rights to the event. Any remaining passes will be offered to TENC® officers at schools in the city where the event is being held, and if there are still passes up for grabs, they will be opened up to any TENC® member.

Q.      How can I start a club at my school?

A.      Send an email to with the following information:

  • Name

  • Email

  • Grade

  • School

  • Reason why you want to start a club at your school

  • Areas of particular interest (optional)

If no one else has applied to open a chapter at your school, you will be contacted by someone from TENC® with:

  • Approval to start chapter

  • Date by when the chapter must be started

  • Documents describing TENC® and its purpose (you may need to submit these to your school to get permission to start the club)

  • Publicity materials like posters and flyers that you can use to promote your club at school